Strategi Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia (SDM)dalam Meningkatkan Kualitas Perbankan Syariah


  • Ahdiyat Agus Susila Universitas Islam Zainul Hasan Genggong Author
  • Arinda Faradella Novianti Universitas Islam Zainul Hasan Author
  • Fischer Black Universitas Islam Zainul Hasan Author



Human Resources, Human Resource Management, Syariah Banking


This article discusses human resource management strategies to improve the quality of sharia banking operations. Human resources are a very important part of a company's operational activities. Because Islamic banking is still relatively new, one of the problems is the lack of skilled Islamic financing professionals, including Islamic banking academics and activists. The method used in writing this article is qualitative analysis using a literature review or literature study approach. The sources of information that I referenced when writing this article were several magazines, articles and official websites. This allows the author to obtain relevant information from previous research related to human resource management and further develop this research by combining several of these sources into one article. From these results it can be concluded that human resource management is very important to improve the quality of sharia banking operations. The task of human resource management is to manage the human element well to support the process of achieving company goals by attracting employees who can carry out their work well. Characteristics of human resources needed in sharia banking operations.


